Monday 24 October 2011

beatles tattoos

    beatles tattoos. %IMG_DESC_1%


    Jan 11, 04:22 PM
    Look! Up in the sky!

    Is it a bird?

    It's a plane!

    No! It's an partially eaten flying apple!

    It's landing!

    [time passes]

    Something's coming out of it!

    [gasps and screams of anticipation]


    OMG! He must be using the new iFly! What's that, Superman? It flies better than you?

    [Superman smiles and winks, and flies off, presumably to fight crime, but actually to go find Lois]

    Introducing the new Apple iFly. Better than Superman.

    Wow! I want to fly it over the Atlantic ocean!

    Look everyone! An Apple PR rep just stepped out of the iFly! What's that Apple PR rep? It can't fly above water yet? It's a bug that's going to be fixed in a software update?

    And you can fill it's 32GB of storage by syncing with iTunes on your Mac or PC? Wow!

    Everyone swarm the iFly!

    [riot ensues]

    this brought the lols

    beatles tattoos. %IMG_DESC_2%


    Mar 22, 10:41 AM
    Everyone is waiting eagerly and there have been a lot of rumours on Apple?s next generation iPad named as Apple iPad 2.:):):):mad:

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    Doctor Q
    Nov 24, 01:43 PM
    Her Majesty... off Abbey Road. The entire song is up as the iTunes clips are longer than the track. So if you want, hijack the audio and get a FREE song
    If you think of it that way then Ringo's I've Got Blisters... ( and The End ( are also free. And worth every penny!

    beatles tattoos. %IMG_DESC_4%


    Aug 7, 11:54 PM
    Notice the phone besides the ipod and itunes? This page is about podcasts and what is a phone doing there alongside ipod and itunes? Does this spell something
    about what we all wanted from apple: the iphone? Just my 2 cents. Leopard rox!

    What kind of phone is that? Just a mockup?

    beatles tattoos. %IMG_DESC_5%


    Apr 13, 07:49 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    If you think about it, it's not all too surprising that some of these "professionals" are getting so worked up and sulky over this release. The notion that "pro editing" can belong to just about anyone, rather than an exclusive circle of elites, poses an existential crisis. Apple's re-thinking of editing is also a re-thinking of what it means to be "professional". The announcement sheds light on a future in which their "advanced", learned techniques are no longer advantageous. The "industry pros" are facing the plight of impending impotence. It's not something anyone would really openly admit, but I think they're feeling a bit naked, stripped of their status.

    Who can blame them for being pissy?

    I think you're overstating this "existential crisis".

    There's a lot of skill behind what professional editors do. You don't just pick up the same set of brushes and achieve what Monet or Picasso did ... The divide between professional and amateur will still exist even with the same toolset.

    I'm loving the new look/style/features though will await further clarification and a quiet month before I upgrade my previous version.

    Best Wishes.

    beatles tattoos. %IMG_DESC_6%


    Oct 16, 06:26 AM
    Yes, it would be rare for two people who hardly know each other to go start sticking icky things into icky parts of each other's bodies :rolleyes: :D

    My first impulse would be to clean the girls ear with my tongue after she
    shares my headphones.

    (Sorry I went there, couldn't help myself)

    beatles tattoos. %IMG_DESC_7%


    Oct 19, 10:39 AM
    And Firefight is my number one seed, I just wish death had a bigger penalty.
    Firefight is great fun, especially Score Attack. I play the crap out of that. There was another playlist update today, tweaking Firefight, along with some other things. They have bumped regular Firefight up from 1 round to a full set, so that is nice. Also, Bungie mentioned in an update recently that they were going to probably down the road add in a "Firefight Classic" mode to Matchmaking. That would be like it was in ODST, where your team has a limited number of lives for the team. They also said they will probably be adding a Legendary difficulty option as well, so that will bump up the challenge quite a lot.
    I really hoping Microsoft re-releases Halo 1 and 2, using the reach engine.
    Halo Anthology, with all 5 games, all updated using the Reach engine. Believe! ;)

    beatles tattoos. %IMG_DESC_8%


    Jul 23, 04:58 PM
    I surely hope so, comics and manga would be a huge hit especially in Japan.I agree that comics etc would be big.

    However - I'm also interested in the electronic Ink technologies that are easy on the eyes and require almost no battery. I doubt Apple would make such a simple device, but who knows.

    It would be very interesting to read Lord of the Rings and have the soundtrack playing - synchronised to where you're up to in the book. Or the book with excerpts from the movie.

    beatles tattoos. %IMG_DESC_9%


    Apple OC
    Mar 12, 08:45 PM
    You make some great points and I think the key to a successful reduction in military spending is to reduce it over time. A sudden 30-50% cut in the budget would be horrific and not just for a military program but in any program. But why not aim to reduce it from 600 billion today, to 400 billion fifteen years from now? The key is discipline but such a trait is not something I have seen Washington demonstrate. :(

    Even I would support something along these lines ... can't argue with this sort of rational reductions :cool:

    beatles tattoos. %IMG_DESC_10%


    Mar 13, 07:55 AM
    well i dont think mbp and ipads have the same market.. and anyway i would never buy an ipad until i see it in a shop and i can try it..i don tthink they r goign to sell that many ipads now but well who knows
    hopefully next tuesday

    beatles tattoos. %IMG_DESC_11%


    Mar 28, 12:06 PM
    ...and they showed one of the 'good' retailers, Costco, the door.

    Which Apple Store did you try, there is more than one in ATL.

    Lenox Mall one in Buckhead. Here without a car, so it has to be something I can Marta to. I got there early this morning and the sign was already up that they were out of stock for the day.

    If you have an idea where I could look let me know. I'd love a 64 gig black ATT ready Ipad2. Many coworkers have either the original or the newer iPad and I'm ready to hop on that train.

    beatles tattoos. %IMG_DESC_12%


    Oct 2, 02:26 PM
    Also btw...

    My personal rankings for the game...

    beatles tattoos. %IMG_DESC_13%


    Aug 8, 01:49 AM
    My bet is on Macbook pro update. with merom processor. maybe even a new form.

    It had BETTER be...

    beatles tattoos. %IMG_DESC_14%


    Nov 7, 07:43 AM
    Well...doesn't look like its happening today.

    beatles tattoos. %IMG_DESC_15%


    Apr 2, 09:31 AM
    I do hope if they are going to up the megapixelage for marketing purposes, they at least give us more memory in the base configuration to handle all the extra space the photos are gonna waste.

    Unless of course Sony has secretly created the greatest sensor in the history of the world and the 8MP can be justified. That would be nice.


    We need 64GB as an option here.
    8MP would be nice but I hope it's gonna be a good quality sensor as well.

    beatles tattoos. %IMG_DESC_16%


    Apr 2, 07:18 AM
    Wirelessly posted (MAUI_WAP_Browser)

    Yeah, bring on Carl Zeiss. Those lenses work majic even on dedicated cams.

    Several Nokias have Zeiss lenses.

    And while we're at it, Nokia has a 12mp camera phone already.

    It's the photographer, not the equipment, that makes a great photo.

    beatles tattoos. %IMG_DESC_17%


    Mar 21, 10:24 PM
    That's hilarious. I needed that to clean off the rotten day I had. At least my day wasn't ruined by anything from Apple.

    beatles tattoos. %IMG_DESC_18%


    Sep 4, 12:11 PM
    man i can't wait until the 12th

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    Mar 21, 03:39 PM
    this made my day. little things like this go a long way for a companies user base. Reminds me of Pixar's stint for a little girls dying request to see the movie (

    Wow, puts things in perspective.

    Oct 25, 10:43 PM
    Wow nice! That's a slick screen clock you have. What's it called?

    I really hope you're being funny. You're a much more active member than I, but it's "fliquo.". Someone even has a sig stating something like, "the screensaver is fliquo, the answer is always fliquo."

    Jan 13, 12:53 PM
    I like the Beatles, though I seldom listen to their music. Lots of better and more recent stuff to listen to as far as I'm concerned. But there are lots and lots of people that will buy mp3's of all their music as soon as it is available legally from a download service.

    They've just changed the single chart rules in the UK, so that all downloads sales count - previously the song had to be available on cd single as well for it to count. The general consensus is that when the Beatles are available for download they will easily occupy all of the top 10 single positions.

    Again, not my cup of tea but I think it sums up just how big it will be once someone does license their catalog.

    I was waiting for the 'we've licensed the Beatles' announcement after he'd played some of their songs as well. Though thinking about it, that would be done at a separate announcement, when Apple need some easy pr.

    Apr 17, 08:24 PM
    I wonder if someone is going to sue Best Buy as a result of this ad? The ad does mention that there is a limited quantity and no-rain checks. I think they probably should have placed in small text to call ahead for availability.

    The fact that it appears to be ploy to get people to come in and give them money to reserve one is not going to sit well with a lot of people. I personally hope it backfires on them and makes people not want to go to their store. Who knows? Maybe this will lead them down the same path that happened to Circuit City.

    Nov 12, 12:09 PM
    Where's the irony? :confused:

    Nowhere. It's not ironic. It may be unfortunate, but not in any way ironic.

    Nov 7, 04:03 PM
    At the very least, a 13th Nov release would take away [some] of Zune's press. Or at least add some Apple PR with every other mention of Zune (besides iPod).


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