Saturday, 22 October 2011

funny motivational quotes

    funny motivational quotes. Filed under: Motivational

    Filed under: Motivational

    Nov 8, 08:29 AM
    Looks like nothing has changed but the processor. Gentlemen, commence your bitching.

    i have a 1st generation macbook so in a way im glad not much was updated... :p

    funny motivational quotes. Funny Motivational Posters

    Funny Motivational Posters

    Oct 16, 06:55 AM
    Sure but it's tiny and i think i drew it out of portion as that bed i drew looks giant!

    Chester drawers! Brilliant

    funny motivational quotes. funny motivational quotes.

    funny motivational quotes.

    Nov 3, 07:50 AM

    Apple does not care to support flash on their devices because it is horribly inefficient and has been holding back progression of the internet for over a decade. Instead of using much more efficient open standards that the world wide web is founded upon, companies like Adobe and Microsoft are more interested in locking you into their inferior technologies in order to maintain revenue! Until Flash dies Apple will continue to support the progression of the internet using approved standards!


    Drinking from the Apple koolaid again, huh?

    Perhaps if you pulled your head out of SJ's bum long enough to look around, you'd notice the vast majority of iPhone users are being punished in Apple's attempt to mold the internet in it's own image.

    A large number of websites use flash in their design, and are completely inaccessible without flash support. Inefficient or not, that's fact, and we're the losers here.

    funny motivational quotes. funny motivational pictures.

    funny motivational pictures.

    Sep 22, 11:13 PM
    Good lord, why is Walmart so threatened?

    Most of their customers have satellites built into their RVs and wouldn't get movies from Apple anyway.

    funny motivational quotes. Monday Motivational #2 - Fun

    Monday Motivational #2 - Fun

    Mar 28, 05:50 PM
    Yep. Hear it all the time. "Protect my family", "Keep my family safe". In other words, kill the other party so that your offspring may live. The attitude needs to change. Yugo's for everyone.

    I used to hear this all the time from my ex-girlfriend. Whenever she drove her mom's expedition she'd claim that she "felt so safe".

    Compensating for poor driving skills with the consumer equivalent of a tank.

    funny motivational quotes. funny motivational quotes.

    funny motivational quotes.

    Apr 12, 01:58 PM
    You are still not getting it. It does cost a fraction to build things outside the US.

    Ohhh, I get it. Trust me. But there's more to "it" than just a 3-paragraph overview of the entire way the US decides to do business. I think a high percentage of Americans will agree that the business models (taxes, outsourcing, low US manufacturing, unions, wages, health benefits, etc) are basically killing our way of life.

    Maybe in 10-15 years the US will finally realize how much damage has been done and will start to get back in shape.

    funny motivational quotes. funny motivational quotes.

    funny motivational quotes.

    Mar 29, 01:51 PM
    Apparently, Blu-ray doesn't function seamlessly yet. :rolleyes::D

    You know it. ;)

    It kind of hammers the nail with regards to LTE on an iPhone this year doesn't it though?

    funny motivational quotes. Funny Motivational Posters :-)

    Funny Motivational Posters :-)

    Oct 17, 03:39 PM
    In the process of moving so my setup is located squarely on my coffee table. Will post new pic once I am moved into my new place and set up the office.
    Not shown in photo is the mountain of boxes just to the left.:D

    funny motivational quotes. Funny Motivational Quotes.

    Funny Motivational Quotes.

    Mar 23, 08:10 AM
    Eh, you misunderstood me. The main point I was making is that the wife should not be able to prevent such a purchase IF THEY CAN AFFORD IT. In many cases, money itself is not an issue in such a purchase, as the wife would not blink twice in spending that amount on something SHE wants. My point was that sometimes they refuse things simply because they dont see it benefitting THEM- and that is something selfish, and shows a lack of respect. Of course if the guy is blowing $$ on an iPad when they're having trouble putting food on the table, thats an issue. My post wasnt centered on these cases. It made the assumption that it could comfortably be afforded, but which the wife doesnt see the value in it for herself, which is the sole reason of the refusal or the demand that it be returned. And Ive seen this on many, many occasions. I know this guy that brings in 6 figures a yr, yes his wife (who brings in nothing) controls the bank account. The guy has no balls, his wife dictates the purchases, buys whatever the hell she pleases, and gets upset when he spends on anything without consulting her. She doesnt let him buy **** he wants, the cost of which is a drop in the bucket compared to the income he makes, simply because SHE doesnt see the value in it. But like I said, the guy has no balls and takes it, while she spends thousands on shoes, etc without needing to consult him.But hey, some people love that ****. Sometimes you need to do things that give you individual pleasure in a marriage, not always 'pleasure as a unit'.

    The things you mention here are exactly the things i've seen too. To be honest, it frustrates me to see men behave like that. They should send those guys to boot cam, to let them get back some of their balls.

    Men who are in control of women just don't have balls. I think things are going the opposite way. Like women are in revenge for the years they've been in control of men. ANYTHING against women has become social unacceptable, but i think things are going a bit too far now. But hmm, it's probably just a 'trend'...:)

    funny motivational quotes. funny quotes on life. funny

    funny quotes on life. funny

    Apr 26, 10:39 AM
    Are you saying that white people are just as likely to commit gun crime, but black people are more likely to get charged (no pun) with it?

    I don't know the answer to question one, but the answer to the second question is yes. On top of that, the rate of conviction of blacks is higher.

    funny motivational quotes. Funny Cheerleading Poster

    Funny Cheerleading Poster

    Nov 12, 02:06 PM
    Apple's approval process aside - he was doing a pretty second rate job.

    funny motivational quotes. funny motivational quotes.

    funny motivational quotes.

    Apr 26, 12:07 AM
    Just because some are successful does not mean all can be. There is plenty of racism still around in most countries, and yes it does effect the less off more than those that are well off.

    This is a bogus excuse. Racism goes both ways.

    Because Blacks are not all the same. You cant lump people of one race all in one group and expect them to all to have the same results. There is a history in the US of racism that still effects many black Americans. Many black Americans can't afford to go to college for example. Poverty is a vicious cycle that preys on its self.

    I know for a fact, if someone tries hard and gets decent grades, they can go to college in the US. I also know a person can pull them self out of poverty, with out college.

    Poverty - look up computer ownership by race. Look up access to books, education, nutritional information etc by race.

    Schools, churches, and libraries all have computers and books. There are several nutritional programs for the poor. most of the time they are abused, and it is spent on garbage, or sold for $.50 on the dollar.

    funny motivational quotes. Motivational Posters Funny

    Motivational Posters Funny

    Mar 10, 01:19 PM

    funny motivational quotes. funny animals with quotes

    funny animals with quotes

    Jul 23, 04:28 AM
    I'd rather read normal book. Screens will make your eyes cry.

    This is why the content is crucial.

    Since April, I have been offering downloadable text-based content for all iPods, (apart from the Shuffle and early models), from my web site.

    These are mainly guides that people traveling from place to place would find useful - although I've also got sports guides such as a Wimbledon Tennis guide (which took me ages to create) also available for free download.

    I call these Pod SnapShots rather than eBooks because that's what they are - a snapshot of a particular subject that you can flick through quickly to get the information that you need - be that airport guides, store guides, etc.

    These are ideally suited to iPods screen size and resolution - any document bigger/longer than that needs a much better screen IMHO - so if these rumors are true it's possible that this new iPod device may be a completely new model focused on documents.

    While everyone is focusing on Apple opening a Music Store - they may well be about to pull a fast one and open a Book Store instead! This would be *much* easier technically to implement! ;)

    -- - for iPod users who love to travel

    funny motivational quotes. Funny Motivational Posters

    Funny Motivational Posters

    Mar 11, 06:54 PM
    It's on page 2 rumors now.

    Someone from this forum hoaxed 9to5... so false alarm, and don't trust 9to5

    Sorry about the MacBook Pro 'hoax'. We had got a few tips but didn't realize it was a concerted effort to make us look bad. We'll do better

    funny motivational quotes. Fun in Africa: Hard Core

    Fun in Africa: Hard Core

    Sky Blue
    Jan 11, 12:21 PM
    The Beatles "Something"

    Thunderclap Newman - "Something in the Air"

    funny motivational quotes. funny motivational quotes.

    funny motivational quotes.

    Sep 5, 11:04 AM
    AI is reporting that there is indeed an invitation that just came out for an event tuesday, sep. 12 at 10 am local time.....

    funny motivational quotes. Funny motivational quotes

    Funny motivational quotes

    Sep 4, 05:49 PM
    Not sure about you, but I like Apple for its industrial design and simplicity, not feature bloat.

    Not to mention software....(iTunes seamless connectivity :))

    funny motivational quotes. Funny Motivational Posters

    Funny Motivational Posters

    Mar 28, 01:26 PM
    Because getting your iToy within eye sight of a 300 Lb round-belly hillbilly or 400 Lb woman in pink stretch pants and camel toe does not make for the best experience.

    Uh, news flash, they still let those people in Apple Stores, too. Last I checked, this WAS America.

    Oct 12, 04:29 PM
    I am a fan of mechanical keyboards. They are clunky and loud, but allows me to type very fast. Also, I'll probably type the apple keyboard to death in less than a month because I tend to bang on the keys.

    The model I have now is Happy Hacking Keyboard Lite for Mac. The touch is fairly good but it has an eccentric layout that makes is difficult for me to blind-touch the command key. I hope to get a Matias Tactile Pro 3 soon.

    I like noisy keyboards. I remember an old IBM computer I had...


    Mar 28, 10:43 PM
    There are far greater costs/concessions in utilizing those larger venues.

    Moscone Center is the best and largest facility in the SF Bay Area for Apple's needs. It's not like Apple is going to rent out the Oakland Coliseum and spread out a thousand chairs and tables on the football field.

    Going out of town increases the costs enormously: moving equipment and people. Airline flights, per diem meals, hotel rooms, taxis, rental cars, etc. Forgot a couple of boxes of marketing collateral? Moscone Center: have someone drive it up 280. Elsewhere: buy full-fare airline ticket for employee.

    What does it cost Apple to send an engineer to Moscone Center? Employee gets to expense lunch, write off transportation (heck, half of these engineers probably live in SF - they can just take BART or Muni to the event). Let's say $30 a day.

    What does it cost to send an engineer to the L.A. Convention Center or Vegas? Long-term parking at airport, airline flight, $200 hotel, arbitrary $75 per diem meals, rental car/taxi, etc. Could easily end up at $400 per day per person.

    Ok, but they are only utilizing Moscone West. Why not rent West and North, South or all three. That would allow them to expand without moving.

    Aug 4, 12:00 AM
    Name two things not on that banner? iSight and Cinema display. :D

    Mac Fly (film)
    Jul 22, 11:01 PM
    They were smart to give it such a generic name (iPod) with as broad of a platform as it is becoming.You're smart, I never thought of that. Damn they are smart :cool:

    Apr 14, 02:24 PM
    And who, exactly, are you talking about?

    All I've seen are a few anonymous comments on this message board. Who are those people? Are they pros? I don't know who they are. Do you know?

    Funny how you've developed a whole theory about "professionals" and yet you haven't proved in any way that any pros said what you claimed they said. I've read that the crowd at the show seemed to really love it.

    Looks like you totally misread his post - he didn't say professionals, he said "professionals". Meaning people who claimed to be pros.

    And it's funny, yesterday those "pros" were all ranting that tons of features were removed and the rest of the suite killed, now that that has been debunked they're off in hiding.

    Because you made a post that claimed our editing skills have nothing to do with creativiy or experience, but simply that 'knowing the software' is the only advangate we have.

    Good try, but no. Because you misread his post and assumed something he didn't actually say. I know, sometimes sarcasm can be tricky, but it seemed pretty obvious to me.

    There ARE "pros" who get mad because software gets cheaper and easier to use. If they are truly talented they should have nothing to worry about, but I'm sure there are guys out there who aren't especially great editors who are getting work because they could afford the cost of entry.

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